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Celebrating the Gifts of Spring

Whispering comes the promise of new life everywhere. The early bloom of flowers, the buds on trees, all promise us the coming of a warmer season. But spring is not the complete revealing of our full potential. It marks only a moment of breaking free of the soil, of—after a long, dark winter’s night—the coming into light again.

Celebrating the Gifts of Spring2020-03-20T08:31:42-06:00

What is Consciousness – and how do I control it?

To try and control the thought or even the feeling without controlling the function, severely limits our ability to entirely transcend unhealthy patterns. This is why so many experience only nominal success or try and fail at program after program. It’s not you. It’s the program.

What is Consciousness – and how do I control it?2020-04-15T13:53:33-06:00

The Perfect Formula for Success – How to live your best life now.

What is the perfect path to success? There is a lot of information about what's 'right' and 'not right' to do with your day. Some of it seems pretty ironclad. Here's the issue. There is no 'one right path' for everyone.

The Perfect Formula for Success – How to live your best life now.2020-02-18T11:00:14-07:00

What is the Inspired Evolution Project?

We all understand mental illness is a result of poor brain function. Well see doctors and therapists, take yoga classes, learn to meditate and try a myriad of alternative medicines to improve it, but what no one tells us--maybe because they don’t really see it--is that we can completely alter our brain function and therefore, the consciousness it creates; not over decades or even years, but in just weeks to months.

What is the Inspired Evolution Project?2020-02-18T11:08:49-07:00


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