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One or the lessons of the yin/yang symbol is; when we go too far to an extreme, we create the seed for its opposite.


Polarity is often experienced as the point of tension, the line dividing the black and white of the yin/yang symbol. Is the tension you feel between you and your polarity healthy or is there suffering?


What if we are not all meant to agree?


Think of your world as an ecosystem, a place where only certain things exist harmoniously.


What 'other side' can you see in a new way today?


Seek out an opposing viewpoint today. Find an opinion where you completely disagree. Now, make an argument in your mind for that opposing point of view. Ask for help from the people around you if you need it.


What do you think of the concept of 'opposites attract?' Do you feel the more something bothers you the more you see it in your life? What makes letting go of judgement easier for you?


Buddha said, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." Are there places where you are waiting for others to change? What changes can you make to create a healthier life for yourself?


Think of the person who brings the most conflict to your life. Is there a way you can experience common ground with them, not agree, not compromise, not even engage with them, but a place where you can come to peace within yourself, for your own well being?


Some of us love the growth we experience through challenging our beliefs. What does it mean for you to gain new perspective on a situation? Is it a dramatic shift or do you grow through subtle changes? What kind of growth do you prefer?


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